If you’re reading this right now, I’m probably not the first person to tell you that you deserve so much better… I’m not the first person to tell you, that you shouldn’t even be putting up with half of the things that you’re putting up with right now…
But I know from experience, that it’s so much more difficult to risk it all and walk away, than it is to stay where you are, even though you know deep down in your heart that things are not okay.
So you stay,
and you stay,
and you stay,
and you stay.
Because you’ve convinced yourself, that this is the only way…

Believe me,
I really do get it…
Because, for so long, I too, denied myself, deprived myself, suppressed myself, limited myself, second guessed myself, ignored myself, abused myself, abandoned myself and betrayed myself, over and over and over again…
Because I, didn’t know who I was.
I did not know my value…
I didn’t know my worth.
And truth be told, it took me decades to really figure out just how deep, my own lack of self-love went… And how it affected every single choice I had ever made.

I’m going to keep it ?…
Here are the facts.
There are lot of people in your life that are going to judge you, and compare their life to yours. We shouldn’t be competing against each other, but that’s just what insecure people do.
And I know, that you want the people around you to think that you’re smart, successful and living your best life.
We all want people to admire us, and praise us, and validate us… We all want to live the kind of life that makes our parents and our children proud.
We all want to belong and feel completely accepted…
No one wants to feel like a failure, or a ‘fuck up’. Nor do we want to be a disappointment to the people that are cheering for us. But honestly, in my experience, there’s nothing more poisonous to the human soul than living a life that is FAKE. A farce… A fabrication…
Living the kind of life where we’re just trying to keep up with the Kar… You know what I mean…

It seems that one of the biggest self-love issues we face on this planet, is that so many of us are trying so hard to look good, and keep up with, and become some idealized version of ourselves… So much so, that we’ve forget about the things that truly matter in life…Like honour, truth, compassion, oneness and unconditional love.
My years of experience as wise woman, coach and healer have taught me this…
That secrets destroy our bodies from the inside out.
Living a double life (or a compartmentalized life) messes with our mental health.
Faking and pretending cultivates unconscious shame and self-loathing.
And tirelessly putting up with bullshit, robs us of our radiance, physical health, life force energy and our joy.
Where have you been tolerating and putting up with toxic people and situations? It’s now 2020… Enough is enough.
Eventually you have to choose…

At some point along your self-love journey you’re going to have to choose.
Many of us are the descendants of people that sacrificed their truth…. People that grew up in a time where choosing ‘truth’ cost them their livelihood and their lives.
Many of us were raised by parents that gave up everything – their wishes, their hopes, their dreams and desires… Their truth… So that we could have a better life…
So that we could have all of the opportunities, freedoms and rights that they never got…
? ???
There are still so many of us that don’t understand just how fragile and precious life is. Despite so many of us having lost people that we love, we still don’t get it.
So we waste time…
We complain…
We allow our fear of what others will think or say make us powerless.
We allow other people and circumstances to strip us of our self-esteem, our self-worth, our happiness, our peace of mind, our health, our freedom and ultimately our power.
It’s time to wake up…

Come now, wake up Beloved.
You are better than this!
You deserve so much better..
I didn’t write this to tell you what to do. I wrote it because, I know you needed to hear this from someone that wouldn’t judge you… Someone who’s only motivation is be of service to you…
I wrote it because I wanted you to know that you are not alone…
I wrote it because, I know that right now, you are at a major intersection in your life… And I know that you are in need of spiritual guidance…
I don’t have all of the answers, but I do know this, that a choice made out of fear, low self-worth and little self-love, will never get you to where a choice made out of truth, honour and self-love will.
You have to decide what matters most.
What example do you want to set?
Are you telling the truth to yourself?
Are you really being YOU?

Figure these things out and you will know what to do…
Often times we know what to do, but it takes courage and FAITH to see it through.
So dig deep and find that self-love. You need it now.
And remember if you need a coach or a guide. I am here to be by your side.
But don’t wait any longer.
Now is your chance.
Because honestly, you deserve better.
So much better. Enough is enough…
xo ? Renee
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