You are a miracle. But you don’t always act like it. Why is that? Some mornings you wake up feeling like you’re on top of the world… Like anything is possible… And then some mornings you wake up feeling lost… Completely bewildered by the state of your own life… So what does it all mean?
‘Why is this happening to me?’ ‘Where do I go from here?’ ‘Who am I?’
I have found that these are the very kinds of questions that we ask ourselves when we have just experienced a miracle or we are teetering on the cusp of one that is about to happen.
Albert Einstein once said, ” There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.“ I adore this quote. But let me be very honest. Sometimes, I wish that I had never stumbled across this quote and allowed it to unearth that wild fire deep inside of me… Because the minute I accepted that everything, (yes literally everything), that happens in my life is a miracle… I could never ever again pretend that Universe didn’t have my back… Nor could I ever again, try to convince myself that it wasn’t conspiring for me to win.
You see, most of us spend our lives trying to ‘get over’ the past. What drives this behaviour is the fact that most of us are still trashing our miracles. Watch this video now to learn more.
We label past devastations rich with life lessons, like the day your child died, or the night that your house and all of your belongings burned down to the ground, or the day that you realized your business was never going to work, or the day that your husband told you he was leaving you after 20 years of marriage as ‘bad luck, ‘bad karma’ or something that ‘should never have happened’.
It is completely understandable and natural to feel this way when awful things happen… And you absolutely need time to feel hurt, angry, confused, frustrated and upset. My only wish, is for you to know that you don’t have to get stuck in this pain... Because if you stay here, you can never heal, grow or move forward.
And if you continue to think this way you will never ‘get over’ the past. You will always play the role of the slighted victim… Fighting for some form of self-created, imaginary justice, that kind that only exists in your version of the story… Instead of being the Modern Day Wise Woman, The King- that untamed, passionate, fierce, fully expressed, lover, light and trailblazer in the world. The one that you know in your heart of hearts you know you are destined to BE.
Seeing everything in your life as a miracle is your access to freedom.
If you’ve been asking for some sort of sign, for help or for a message from the Universe about what you should do with regards to a certain situation, this is it. Stop looking. Seriously stop looking… 🙂 Watch, listen and learn. XOXO Renee
P.s. If you or anyone you know is going through a particularly challenging time in their life right now please invite them to register today for the Cosmic Fire Program. I can help.
P.p.s. Want more? Follow us on Facebook by going to our Modern Day Wise Woman Fan Page and hitting the ‘like’ button. We post there daily!! 🙂
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