Intuitive Guidance Sessions
Dare to use the power of intuition, psychology and oracle to tap into the subconscious mind and beyond… If you are looking for guidance to help illuminate the path ahead, this it.
“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” – Albert Einstein
We are not passive participants in life. At all times we are co-creating the future in partnership with the Universe. It is our actions, or inaction that is the greatest predictor of future outcomes. Unlike a psychic reading, these sessions are not about trying to predict the future, but rather, calling upon the power of intuition, the subconscious mind and the quantum realm to create our destiny. As an intuitive, I have a unique ability to pick up on patterns quickly, hear what’s in the background/unconscious of your speaking and tap into sources beyond your day to day perception to present new information. Whether you’re seeking answers about relationships, career or your spiritual journey, these sessions provide empowering revelations to help illuminate the path ahead.
We all have that voice inside ourselves that is there to help guide us… But sometimes we need a little help to be able to hear it… And more importantly remember how to trust it.
Bridge The Gap…
So many of have been made to feel like we’re ‘stupid’ or ‘crazy’ for having practices or beliefs that the masses can’t always wrap their heads around. These sessions are about bridging the gap between the science and the spiritual.
Divine Order…
I’ve never believed that things just happen randomly. Everywhere you look in nature, there are patterns, systems and intricate connections. There is an order to all things that occur and we have the ability to explore these patterns and find meaning.

Ask for guidance in the areas of…
Love and relationships.
Career, business and money.
General direction in life.
Dream interpretation.
Open message from the Universe.
“Intuition is the subconscious mind’s way of telling us what we need to know but don’t yet realize.” – Linda Mackenzie

These sessions are great way for you to:
- Address a burning question about something or someone in your life.
- Address a burning question about something or someone from your past.
- ‘Address why” from a psychological and spiritual perspective, a specific event has manifested itself in your life.
- Transform a disempowering narrative/belief to an empowering one.
- Do inner child work.
- Do shadow work.
- Take steps towards recreating your self-concept.
What You Get
- Intuitive Assessment – Laser focused conversation to select the best area of focus.
- Intuitive Reading: Oracle cards used as a tool to unlock your subconscious and reveal your cognitive, emotional and behavioural patterns.
- Self-love coaching: Coaching to support the integration/application of insights learned.
- LIVE Sessions: A link zoom link will be provided once booking and payment is complete.
- Photos of the Cards: that were drawn during your session emailed to you.
*Note sessions are audio. No video will be used during these sessions for privacy reasons. + $50.00 CAD for video and a copy of the recording. Purchase ADD ON
Intuitive Guidance sessions are for you if…
- You are ready to repair the connection between yourself and your intuition.
- You have a strong desire to create what spirituality is and means for you.
- You understand and respect that there are limitations only believing in what can be measured or proven scientifically and therefore leave room to explore possibilities that exist beyond that realm.
- You understand that these are not ‘psychic’ readings and that I am not a ‘psychic. I am intuitive highly skilled at rapidly detecting patterns in people and the environment and pulling information from sources that as of today cannot be fully explained by science.
- You have a love, appreciation or are inviting of the use of oracle cards.
This is NOT for you if…
- You are skeptic and don’t believe in any of this stuff. I’m not here to try and convince or prove anything. The sessions will work for you only if you believe they will.
- You think sessions are some kind of magic pill that will answer all of your questions without you having to do any work.

Meet Your Guide,
Renée Mullings-Lewis is Self-Love Coach, Intuitive, IIN Certified Health Coach, Certified Reiki Master Teacher, host of the web series Self-Love Master Class, and the founder of Modern Day Wise Woman.
With over 15 years of experience coaching hundreds of individuals from all around the world, in both private and corporate settings, Renée is quickly becoming one of the most popular voices in the digital world on the topic of self-love and it’s importance for both the individual and society. .
Renee’s is on a mission to educate people from all walks of life – CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies, educators, entrepreneurs, thought leaders, parents, men, women… EVERYONE… about the transformative power of self-love. Loving ourselves isn’t just our birthright, it is the key to us finding harmony in all of the areas of life that truly matter most. Love, relationships, purpose, purpose, health, finances, inner peace…. A world that works… These things are only possible with self-love as a foundation.
Say Yes! The Possibilities Are Endless…
It’s up to you now to take the actions that are truly in alignment with the future that you want to create. Your life and how you feel are a reflection of the choices that you have made so far. If you are truly ready for more, you know what you need to do.