Whether you’re looking for an awesome tour guide, a new bosom buddy, the ultimate tenant, a chill taxi driver or the ‘one’, your personal energy will play one of the biggest roles in determining who you attract.
For the purposes of this article I will define your personal energy as your ‘mindset‘ – that is, your thoughts, how you perceive things, how you feel and the things that you do. I can’t tell you how often I sit and chat with people, or I’m coaching a client, and they stare back at me completely bewildered about how they could have attracted Mr. or Mrs. X into their life.
Here’s the life lesson
What you need to know is this… Every person in your life (past, present and future)… The ones that broke your heart, stole your dreams and dashed your hopes; and the ones that lifted you higher, showed you the way, gave you a reason to live, taught you to love and helped you heal… You attracted them…
You will either be filled with tears of sorrow, tears of joy, tears of freedom, tears of rage or maybe all of the above when you really ‘get’, process and digest this… You attracted them…
Feel your energy right now…
Even as I write this… I can feel a well of emotions flooding my body, rushing to my finger tips, on to the keys… Wow…
Let’s pause and take a breath right here… Don’t hurry on to the next paragraph. Just stay here. Connect to your breath while focusing on the image of the woman here… When you can feel that breath is slow, balanced and steady keep reading.

So now I we have laid the foundation for the rest of the lesson. Let’s take a moment now to further explore the four aspects of personal energy or mindset that I mentioned earlier: your thoughts, how you perceive things, how you feel and the things that you do. Let’s get clear on what it really takes to be positive and as such attract positive into our lives. Click on the video below to receive the full lesson now.
What we think shapes our world. What we perceive colours it. How we feel determines if we are simply living or if we are alive. What we do changes everything.
We are always attracting someone
At any and every given moment, we are always attracting someone into our lives whether we like it or not; whether we are aware of it or not. When you truly begin to understand the fundamentals of how personal energy works, you can begin to be to reliably attract positive people into your life and keep the negative one’s on the fringes.
There are those who choose to live their life as if they are a bystander – waiting for opportunities or people to drift in and out of their life. But that’s not the kind of life that I want to live. And if you are reading this vlog,.. Well… I know that you don’t want to live that way either.
So let’s rise up.
Let’s stand for something way bigger.
And be,
Knowing that loving and living fully,
our birthright.
And love… Our natural state.
We have the God given power to attract whatever we desire.
The future is ours. Yours and mine… Happy attracting Dear One!
xoxo Renee
P.s. Hungry for more? Inquire about Cosmic Fire or Basic Coaching spots are limited, so don’t delay 😉
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