All of us at one time or another have experienced feelings of overwhelm or anxiety. In my experience these feelings are most often brought on deeper experiences of fear, confusion and disorganization.
For this meditative monday we’ll be discussing simple ways for you to beat feelings overwhelm by simply getting your Self organized.
For many years I struggled with feelings of being disconnected, frustrated and feeling overwhelmed by the number of tasks I needed to get done in a day. I was not organize and I didn’t even have a clue how to begin to get myself organized so I could keep my head above water. As a result my health started failing, I had frequent trips to the hospital, my weight sky rocketed up to nearly 300 lbs and my finances were a mess.
So today I want to share with you a few very simple tips that I personally used and still use to climb out of this deep tunnel. I’ve also shared these tips with many of my clients and they rave about them. So give them a shot and see how you do.
1. Know Your Needs
The first step in the process is to get your self clear. If you have no idea what’s going on or what’s what it will be very difficult to get yourself organized. So pull out your iPhone, smart phone, tablet or notebook and write out a good old fashion ‘to do list’…. The minute you get everything out on a piece of paper I promise you will begin to feel immediate relief.
2. Make a Plan
I used to hate plans and I used to refuse to do them. Why? Well because somewhere in my mind I got the idea that if I planned things I would lose the parts of my that loved to be spontaneous and I would lose my freedom. But I now that planning actually does the opposite. Creating a plan of how and when you will get things done actually allows you to save precious time that would otherwise be wasted dodling, thinking and duplicating steps. When you plan you have more time do the things you love and leave blank spaces in your calendar. So once you’ve created your list, start making a plan.
3. Eliminate Urgencies & Always Have More On Hand
Most of the time when we are running around like chickens with our head cut off it’s because we are now running around trying to ‘fight fires’. We are doing many things that have to get done now, because we don’t have a choice. The way to have less of these things going on in a day is to stock up. That means always have more of what you need on hand. For example, always have an abundance of food in the fridge, always have an abundance of gas in the tank, always have an abundance of your medication, always have clean clothes and underwear, always have an abundance of basic supplies needed to run your home and your business. Never leave things to the last bit or drop. When you have more on hand you always then you get to control when you buy what or said another when you get to do what.
4. Find Someone To Talk To
You are not alone. It is perfectly normal to experience feelings of overwhelm or anxiety. Find someone to talk to that you can be completely open and honest with. It’s very important for you to have someone who won’t judge you, won’t become overwhelmed or stress when you share and can support you by listening and offering effective solutions. Everybody needs somebody. You are not exempt so make having people in your life as well as a dedicated coach, counsellor or mentor a top priority.
The Benefits of Being Organized
- You save yourself time.
- You reduce your feelings of overwhelm & anxiety.
- You increase your productivity.
- You look and feel better.
- You are happier and the people around you are happier too.
Final Thoughts
Your time is precious. How you feel is important. You are important. You matter. Put your Self back at the top of your list. Learn more about self-love and make it a part of your daily life. I hope you enjoyed today’s post for this meditative monday. These are the kinds of important life lessons that we were never taught in school and the very reason why I created Basic Coaching, Cosmic Fire and Healing-You.
As you meditate today and create your intentions for the week focus on this mantra:
I am organized, focused and clear. Repeat the mantra as often as you need.
Have a wonderful week!
xo namaste
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