Online Courses
Courses for self-motivated, committed seekers of personal growth and transformation. Enrol now to unlock a wealth of transformational resources right at your fingertips.
All these years in education… Yet no one ever taught us how to love ourselves…
Just take a moment to imagine just how different your life would be had you had been given the knowledge, tools and support to truly love yourself, know your worth, believe in yourself and be yourself unapologetically. Every single one of our courses is designed to help you disrupt whatever is getting in the way of you getting exact what you want and deserve most in this life.
Preview of Courses Being Released in 2024…

Finally Self-Love Education Is Here!
Find courses on self-concept and self-worth.
Find courses on dating, love and relationships.
Find courses on self-confidence and mindset.
Find courses on abundance and money.
Find courses on health and wellbeing.
These programs are for you if:
- You’re done with letting your past, or your trauma, or whatever story you’ve been telling yourself keep you getting what you want.
- You have. a growth mindset. You love learning, building your knowledge and being introspective.
- You’re so over living a life that feels like ‘groundhogs day’.
- You’re done wasting time.
- You are committed to doing the work and being ‘ALL IN’.
- You love learning at your own pace.
- You’re done wasting time.
- You are committed to doing the work and being ‘ALL IN’.
These programs are NOT for you if:
- You’re not self-motivated.
- You’re not going to hold yourself accountable to for finishing what you started. Consider one to one coaching or Réign Sacred Circle.
- You believe your excuses for why you ‘can’t.
- You’re waiting for some epiphany or ‘aha’ moment to happen that will have you change your life. You will for sure have some aha’s but if you don’t act on them nothing will change. If you’re not ready to take action these courses aren’t for you. Go read another set-help book instead.
- If you don’t believe in paying for coaching or programs. This space isn’t for you if you aren’t ready to invest in yourself.

Meet Your Coach & Teacher,
Renée Mullings-Lewis is Self-Love Coach, Intuitive, IIN Certified Health Coach, Certified Reiki Master Teacher, host of the web series Self-Love Master Class, and the founder of Modern Day Wise Woman.
With over 15 years of experience coaching hundreds of individuals from all around the world, in both private and corporate settings, Renée is quickly becoming one of the most popular voices in the digital world on the topic of self-love and it’s importance for both the individual and society. .
Renee’s is on a mission to educate people from all walks of life – CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies, educators, entrepreneurs, thought leaders, parents, men, women… EVERYONE… about the transformative power of self-love. Loving ourselves isn’t just our birthright, it is the key to us finding harmony in all of the areas of life that truly matter most. Love, relationships, purpose, purpose, health, finances, inner peace…. A world that works… These things are only possible with self-love as a foundation.
Say Yes! The Possibilities Are Endless…
It’s up to you now to take the actions that are truly in alignment with the future that you want to create. Your life and how you feel are a reflection of the choices that you have made so far. If you are truly ready for more, you know what you need to do.