Helping you transform your relationship with your ‘Self” so you can transform your life…
My name is Renée, and I am the CEO & founder of Modern Day Wise Woman. Welcome to the school. Your self-love journey is one of the most important journeys you will ever embark upon in your life. If you are already on a self-love journey, you know exactly what I mean.
I am deeply honoured to be someone that you have carefully chosen to support you on your journey of healing, growth, personal development and transformation.
One of the big misconceptions that people have about self-love coaching (or coaching of any kind for that matter), is that the work is for people who “need” it… In other words people that are “weak” or have something “wrong” with them…. You will often hear people with a fixed mindset, people not striving for excellence, people who rarely invest in anything (including themselves or others)- people unaware of the immeasurable value that professional coaching and mentoring provides make such statements.
The truth is that when you look around at the people that are truly feeling great, looking great, navigating their relationships with power, expressing themselves fully in the world and ultimately living their best lives… They are usually people that are inside of some sort of coaching, mentorship, or mastermind structure, working with at least one expert, if not many.
The work we do here at Modern Day Wise Woman is designed for people with a growth mindset. People that are avid seekers of personal development. And I truly believe, that it is not where you are in life that determines your strength, it’s what you choose to do about where you are in life that does.
I’ve learned so much over the last two decades. I shifted from being the this shy insecure girl, working in dead end job, dangerously overweight, who never took care of herself, was a magnet for narcissists, perpetually single, attracting ‘losers’ (yeah I said it losers), literally paralyzed by fear and anxiety… To being someone that who now runs a successful DREAM business working with incredible people, fell in love and found my life partner, is now the healthiest I’ve ever been mentally and physically and teaches others how to do the same. I am living the DREAM and so can you!
Anything is truly possible!
Whether you feel like you are at rock bottom and you are desperately seeking support; or you have this one area of your life where you just keep getting stuck over and over again; or you feel like your life is on fire right now you and want someone that has your back looking out for you (like no friend and family member can) as you take on the next big thing in your life, know that I’ve got you…
I’ve had the privilege or working with amazing human beings from all walks of life – CEO’s, serial entrepreneurs, fellow thought leaders, public figures, mom’s working inside the home, survivors, educators, people travelling the world living in a van, … There is a place for everyone here. Thank you for allowing me to serve you.
In service and gratitude

Professional Bio
Renée Mullings-Lewis) is a Self-Love Coach, certified Reiki Master Teacher and IIN certified Health Coach. Over the last 15 years Renée has privately taught hundreds of people globally how to heal their past, transform their relationship with themselves and create a life they love. Today she’s on an incredible self-love journey of her own, where she inspires thousands daily to live “a life of self-love”. Renée overcame a 20 year battle with low self-esteem, anxiety and depression, chronic self-sabotaging and disordered eating. It was through her greatest suffering that she found her greatest gifts. It was this journey that led to the emergence of Modern Day Wise Woman – now one of the fastest growing self-love self-love coaching practices in the world. She is the face of Self-Love Master Class™ (2012 -2024), a weekly web series for conscious people. Renée’s philosophy is that self-love is the foundation upon which we attract all things into our lives. Create a solid foundation of self-love, and with that intentionally attract anything we truly desire. Renée has appeared on radio, her work has caught the eye of law of attraction expert Dr. Joe Vitale and has been published in the Journal of Motherhood Initiative For Research & Community Involvement. She continues to coach and teach through her flagship coaching and energy medicine programs. Find out more about Renée by following her on instagram and youtube.

You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.
Zig Ziglar

Our Mission
Remember, most of us were never taught how to love ourselves. we were raised by people who were struggling themselves. Today, we live in a society that capitalizes on our pain and suffering… A world that constantly reinforces that “we are not enough” and insidiously teaches us that self-love is selfish… This is why so many of us are sick, burned and walking around feeling dead on the inside.
Our programs are designed to help you unpack, unlearn and release the the blocks that are often overlooked in therapy and remain stuck even after years of reading self-help books, or other personal development courses.
In essence I am here to walk you home… To help you collect the stolen, lost and broken aspects of your Self… To help you through the spiritual amnesia… To provide you with the teachings and tools necessary to move through the world we live unapologetically.